
DONATION / Only Design flyer


¥500 税込

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新型コロナウイルスの影響により現在自主休業中のホステル/カフェバーLen KYOTO KAWARAMACHI全フロアを使用して撮影・収録された無観客ライブ映像をオンエアする配信プログラム「Virtual Hostel Sound」、Vol.1〜3は京都を拠点に活動している3組のミュージシャンが週替わりで出演します。視聴は無料となりますが、こちらにてドネーションも行っております。収益は、出演アーティストへの還元と共に本企画の運営資金となりますので是非ご支援・応援をよろしくお願いします。



We are proud to announce the new streaming project “Virtual Hostel Sound”. We filmed these performances by the 3 wonderful local musicians at a hostel in Kyoto Japan Len Kyoto Kawaramachi, where currently closed due to the COVID-19. After each videos, we are planning to have a live chat event with the musicians.

There will be one musician each week and it’s free to watch. You can donate for their performances via YouTube Super Chat. On our website, you can also donate to support us!

*We will send a digital flyer to those who donate.
*Cannot be purchased with other products at the same time.
*Credit Card Only

How to enjoy watching Virtual Hostel Sound
・Please access the following YouTube Live URL via Win/Mac/Smartphone


How to support Virtual Hostel Sound
・Via Super Chat donating system
・Donating or Purchasing via this store


To support Len Kyoto Kawaramachi
・You can get advance tickets for the hostel, cafe or bar. It will be available to use when they re-open the store.

  • お支払い方法について

¥500 税込
